I'm Amber.
I passionately hold space for the tender parts of our humanness to be seen.
I create intentional, intuitive, and embodied experiences that guide people to stand in their truth, and fuller expression within their body.
I see my life as my art, and I am deeply devoted to witnessing my own journey. The depth and tenderness I cultivate in my personal practice creates space for documenting others from a place of safety and solidarity because I’ve been confronted by truth in front of the lens too.
I love slow living, being a mama to my spirited daughter, my husband’s smile, deep conversations with kindred souls, and honey in my tea.
Several years ago, during a low and heavy period of my life, I fatefully chose the word ‘Light’ as my word of the year. Ever since, I’ve never looked at light the same way.
Yes, I love the light on its good days; streaming magically through the trees all dreamy-like. But I’ve also come to love it on the gloomy grey days. Magic happens in the discovery of light in both of these spaces.
It was my search for light that taught me an invaluable lesson: instead of expecting it to show up around me, I learned how to tend my own flame even when I felt surrounded by darkness. I created my own light in the moments that I needed it most.
This inner light is what I want to help you recognize and ignite within.


a writer, and a feeler.
a mother, and a tender.
someone who cries when she sees the trees.
a craver of wind whispers on skin.
I am
equal parts homebody & wild adventurer.
A DANCER of truths.
an independent spirit.
a deeply spiritual soul.
a creator of light.